Saturday, January 09, 2010

David Barton Gym and Meg

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Darren Xxxon wrote:

How is everything going? Have you been coming and working out? Let me know if you need anything.

Darren Nxxxon

What I really want to write back:
Dear Darren,
I have totally been coming to the gym. Bam sucka! Haven't you seen me? I wave at you every time I walk in the door. You are usually frowning, which I decided was your gym-culture way of telling me to "really work hard today."
I have been stretching on the east side of the gym near the windows. There are muscle rollers over there and they are really firm, it's great! I have many sore muscles to roll out. I rolled my head across it. The brain is a very powerful muscle I am told. So is the heart. It is not as easy to get to with the roller. Once I got there, I must say, it hurt.

I took one yoga class. It is crazy in the yoga room because I can't see my legs in the mirror. I look like I am floating. and then I think to myself, I've done it. I've meditated right off my legs. Where did my crazy walk away legs go? I wish they would just wait for me. I hope they aren't making trouble somewhere. Darren would get so upset if they wandered about kicking people in the holiest of places. And then I think, is this perfect meditation? Is this what you're supposed to be thinking about. Then I smile and nod.

But mostly I run and run. Because it's a gym, and that's what girls do at gyms. Unless they have big ugly muscles. Those girls are usually at the gym lifting the heavy gym equipment up and vacuuming under all of it.

That's been my experience thus far.

Is it weird or awesome that I sent you a journal entry type response?
Let me know, because I think I love you,


Sent from my IPhonejustkiddingsentfrommyprivateislandinbermudajustkiddingIdon't traveljustkiddingItravelallthetimejustkiddingonlysometimesjustkiddingjust thatonetimewhenIwentsearchingformymotherjustkiddingIdon't haveamotherjustkiddingIhadamotherbutsheabandonedmejustkiddingshelivesinateepeeinSouthDakotaJustkidding

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