Friday, August 01, 2008

Lo I Bring News of the Playhouse, on this christmas eve!

Arise young theatres from your chairs and your backsides! For I bring news on this christmas eve, of the place we did once celebrate it!!! Raise up your glasses and say, "Paddlefish!"

It is so fine to see you all, here on this balmy hot astoria eve. With your fine glasses full of tequilla and your strange drunken ramblings. Let me begin. The day was hot and the morning was early...

As I woke I knew, I'd be late. There was too much to do! I suddenly remembered I did not know where I was going, I forgot the way to the playhouse?! Jumping into the car, I sped off to find a cucumber for the bridal shower gift for our good friend, Fist.

Yes! that's right, a wedding for our good friend Fist, and her now husband, Mr. Fist! This reason was the very core of my adventure. And I might have gotten a little messed up. And I might have pulled someone down on the dance floor. but, uh, that's not what we're talking about. Sooo... I'd like not to. ok.

As I raced thru the hills I passed thru Hill City. HILL CITY! And not until that moment had I realized how fucking off course I was. I did make it to the party one hour late, and the gift was found to give either much merriment or shame upon the faces of her sisters, and mothers, and grandmothers.

After we had lunched, I did drive to lovely center lake. CENTER LAKE! How we did walk there many times?! How did we dirty our hair for Cabaret?! How we did skinny dip in the night together for the first time and it was really cold and maybe some guys were ok with that but maybe some guys were like not "ok with it" and it was hilarious because the more uncomfortable they felt the more comfortable the other guys felt and they'd wiggle around even harder?! ...I wasn't the only one watching that was I?

Center Lake was the place for the Fists' wedding. And after we had rehearsed, not for a play but a ceremony (like in star wars. we totally hummed the star wars theme song while Fist was coming down the isle. we totally made that up. we are totally the first ones to do that. shut uuuUUUuuup!), we headed to make food at the magnificant HAP HALL!!!

Yes good friends, we dined under it's majestic wood and bolt canopy on the succulent roasted elk burgers, veggie dogs, and other fine meats. And oh did we love the view of the sun coming down!

I greeted John first, to inquire where we might find more ice. Then did I run to hug Coach B, my first year mother and volleyball mentor. Then the firey choreographer appeared with her two boys. Oh my how adult is. He speaks like a politician. Next, her toad husband walked from the east stage door to my delight. So many memories! Remember when we sat outside that stagedoor, or walked that path from old theatre rehearsal, or ran on that path during buffalos, basically nude?

And I did sit with our sweet old mates, Cassie, Justin, and Holly. And many veggie burgers did i consume. and chips. and cheetos. and salsa. and brownie. and pie. and cake. and tomatoes. and you see where I'm going with this.

The old team did play the volleyball tournament, and verily did they beat their opponents. And we ran to join the next game, and heartily did i serve! And crappily did we play. And my team lost. So many memories!

And we joined a group of men at the two story. And heaftily we did breathe. And hilraious did i feel when the song Hand for the Hog was sung. And hilarious was every word muttered by Jill Twiss, our new york friend!

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